Explore ICM’s Qualifications

Qualifications in England
ICM is an Awarding Organisation recognised by Ofqual, The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation, in England. Ofqual regulates the ICM Level 2 Award in Psychology only.

Overseas Qualifications
Our current portfolio of self-regulated qualifications (these qualifications are for the non English market and unregulated by Ofqual) are subject to our internal quality assurance processes which reflect our high standards. We cover a wide range of sectors and levels.

The Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)

The Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) is a single framework introduced in 2015 for describing all regulated qualifications in England.  It provides information about the level of challenge and the size of each qualification, showing where a qualification sits in relation to others in terms of level and size.

Level Descriptor

The different levels indicate the level of challenge of qualifications at Entry Levels 1-3 and Levels 1-8.   The level descriptors for each level describe in general terms, without being specific to any vocational area, the challenge in terms of knowledge and skills required at each level.  The descriptors indicate the outcome of learning rather than the learning process or the assessment method.

Total Qualification Time (TQT)

The size of the qualification is based on the amount of Total Qualification Time (TQT), which is the time it takes to complete the qualification including its associated learning and assessment.  As some Learners will study faster or slower than others, the qualification size is a guide (for a notional Learner) and not an absolute measure of achievement. The TQT includes the guided learning hours (GLH) that show the amount of time required for activities necessitating a member of staff or other supervisory person to be present, such as teaching in a classroom environment, workplace induction and supervised practical sessions.  The TQT is used to calculate the credit for the qualification.

Awarding organisations now have the freedom to review and develop qualifications to best fit their Learners and the titling of qualifications is related to TQT such that:

  • An “Award” is a small-sized qualification, i.e. a qualification that has a TQT value of 120 hours or less.
  • A “Certificate” is a medium-sized qualification, i.e. a qualification that has a TQT value in the range 121-369 hours.
  • A “Diploma” is a large-sized qualification, i.e. a qualification with a TQT value of 370 hours or more.

Titling of ICM Qualifications

In the review of existing qualifications and the development of new qualifications, ICM selects titles in line with other registered awarding organisations.

The qualification name consists of the following components in this order:

Name of awarding organisation:
RQF level e.g.:
Level 4
Type of qualification e.g.:
Diploma in/for
Concise indication of the content e.g.:
Business Studies
Any endorsement in brackets e.g.:
Seen as a whole the above example would be:
ICM Level 4 Diploma in Business Studies (International)
View Relative Equivalencies of ICM Qualifications


We provide qualifications at Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Graduate Diploma and Post Graduate Diploma levels. More than 150 individual subjects are examined by ICM on a quarterly basis, covering key industry sector areas such as:

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies
  • Health and Safety
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Computing
Retail and Commercial Enterprise
  • Hospitality
  • Sales Management
Leisure, Travel and Tourism
  • Tourism
Arts, Media and Publishing
  • Journalism
Business, Administration, Finance and Law
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Business Management
  • Commercial Management
  • Human Resource Development
  • International Trade
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing
  • Project Management
View Single SubjectsView Professional Qualifications

If you work at an ICM Approved Centre

To apply for collaborative course development with ICM, specifically for delivery to your Centre’s Learners, please complete all fields within the form below. We will acknowledge your interest within 24 hours and respond with details of the application process.

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