Designing, Delivering and Evaluating Training and Development
- Introduction and overview
Individual and Collective Learning
- Defining learning
- Learning theory
- Collective learning
- Workplace learning
External and Internal Context
- External and internal context
- ICT developments
- Barriers, inhibitors and facilitators of training and development
Establishing Learning Needs
- Learning needs analysis and employee development
- Training and development needs analysis
- Data sources
- Current practice, implication and limitations
Designing Learning Interventions
- Defining learning
- The organisational perspective
- The learner perspective
- The designer’s perspective
- Designing learning
Delivering and Facilitating Learning
- Definitions
- Coaching and mentoring
- Presentation and instruction skills
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Blended learning and the use of technology
Evaluating Training and Development
- Purpose of evaluation
- Kirkpatrick; Gagne; Holton, Bates, Ruona; Anderson theories and applications
- Value of learning
- Evaluation tools and processes
- Barriers to evaluation
Professionalism and Ethics
- Definition of ethics
- Philosophical bases
- Equality and diversity
- Professionalism and professional practice
- Relations, integrity and honesty
- Continuing professional development
External and Internal Context
- External and internal context
- ICT developments
- Barriers, inhibitors and facilitators of training and development
Themes and the Future
- Significant themes and speculation for the future
Example Candidate Response Booklet
Example Candidate Response (ECR) Booklets are a source of crucial information for Centres and Candidates as they use real candidate responses. We ask Senior Examiners to comment on five or more responses in terms of why the mark was awarded with commentary about how to improve the answer (if necessary).