Part One – Management Theory
- Management: An introduction
Classical Theories of Management
- The search for principles of management
- Bureaucracy
Human Relations and Social Psychological Theories
- Motivation – what motivates people?
- Motivation – how motivation occurs
Theories of Leadership and Group Behaviour
- Leadership – theory and practice
- Groups and teams
Systems and Contingency Approaches to Management Theory
- Organisations and systems
- Contingency approaches to management
Contemporary Approaches to Management Theory
- Value-driven responsive organisations
- Managing the supply chain
Part Two – Management in Practice
The Context of Management
- The business environment
- Organisations
- Organisational culture
- Diversity
- Decision making in organisations
- Strategic aspects of management
- Strategy in practice
- Managing strategy
Organising for Management
- Organising the workforce – organisation structures and designs
- Organising work
- Organising for innovation
- Organising for engagement
- Reorganising – managing change
- Organising communications
- Organising yourself – the manager’s role
Control in Management
- Organisational control
- Managing quality
- Managing risk
Part Three – Functional Management: Marketing, Operations Management, HRM, Financial and IT
Marketing Management
- Marketing fundamentals
- The marketing mix: product and price
- The marketing mix: distribution
- The marketing mix: promotion
- Customer-oriented marketing approaches
Operations Management
- Managing the procurement function
- Managing the logistics function
- Managing the operations function
- Operations technology
- Human resource management
- Resourcing: recruitment, selection and appointment
- Performance management and human resource development
- The employment relationship
- International human resource management
Financial Aspects of Management
- Financial and management accounting – an introduction
- Budgeting process, pricing and capital investment decisions
Information Resource Management
- The role of information technology and business information systems
- Managing information systems
Part Four – Global Management
- Global management
- Managing globally
Example Candidate Response Booklet
Example Candidate Response (ECR) Booklets are a source of crucial information for Centres and Candidates as they use real candidate responses. We ask Senior Examiners to comment on five or more responses in terms of why the mark was awarded with commentary about how to improve the answer (if necessary).