Competency Based Qualification

Remote Teaching and Learning

Unit Aim

Learners are equipped with the ability to apply theoretical and technical aspects of remote teaching and learning. Learners gain an informed awareness of the varied aspects of remote teaching and learning and be able to apply it to practice.

Unit Content

1 Understand how to teach online

Offline teaching techniques that can be used in online education: adapting teaching techniques, lectures and presentations, group work and collaboration, discussion and debate, peer teaching, quizzes and formative assessment, case studies, Problem-Based Learning (PBL), reading and writing assessments, gamification, reflective writing, office hours.

When online teaching is most appropriate: geographic flexibility and accessibility, scheduling flexibility, specialised programs, health and safety concerns, technology integration, cost-effectiveness, customised learning paths, informal education, collaborative and global projects, emergency circumstances.

Asynchronous and synchronous teaching:

  • Asynchronous teaching: non-real-time teaching, greater flexibility, time-shifted communication, independence, global reach, reflection and deliberation, accessibility
  • Synchronous: real-time teaching, immediate interaction, engagement and community building, accountability, instructor presence
  • Selecting appropriate method
  • Utilising both synchronous and asynchronous

Blended learning: a combination of online and offline teaching, effectiveness, uses.

Emerging technologies that can be used to teach online:

Content is suggested for current emerging technologies (2024); as new technologies develop, they should be added to teaching content.

  • Artificial Intelligence (A.I.): personalised learning, tutoring, predictive analysis
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR): immersive learning, hands-on practice
  • Smart classrooms: interactive whiteboards and displays, multimedia, personal devices, internet requirements, digital learning materials
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS): collaborative learning, analytics and insights
  • Gamification: engagement, skill development
  • Educational applications: accessibility (can learn anywhere, bitesize learning)
  • Robotics: hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) learning enhance creativity
  • Video conferencing tools with advanced features (live interactions, breakout rooms)

2 Be able to teach online

Researching current trends in online teaching and learning: sources of information, verifying the validity of trends and sources, considering the application of new methods.

Produce materials for online asynchronous teaching: clarify learning objectives, select content, select resources, organise content structure, create multimedia content (recorded lectures, slideshows, interactive presentations, animations, simulations, infographics, diagrams), clear and concise text, interactive elements (quizzes, assessments, discussion prompts, collaborative activities, interactive worksheets), additional resources and support, compatibility, accessibility, regularly updating.

Designing an online page for an online course: design course goals and objectives, choose a platform or learning management system (LMS), plan layout and structure, create a visual design, add course content, enhance interaction and engagement, accessibility and usability, test and review, support and resources, monitor, evaluate.

Utilising online meeting tools to give synchronous instruction online: selecting platform, meeting or webinar, backgrounds, network connection, size of the session, length of session, sending or sharing meeting link, setting a password, meeting I.D., recording a session, sharing screen, present resources.

Using breakout rooms to allow for group discussions: setting up breakout rooms, group allocation, monitoring discussions, time limits, ensuring engagement, activities to utilise breakout rooms.

Using online simulation tools for online education: selecting tools (complexity, user interface, accessibility, compatibility with LMS, task requirement), instruction and guidance, simulated laboratories, demonstrating usage, use of computer games, promoting collaboration, evaluate effectiveness.

Creating learning materials to be used in online education: identify learning objectives, audience needs, content delivery format, multimedia content, clear and concise text, interactivity, instructions, navigation, accessibility, and usability.

Using active learning techniques in online education: flipped classroom, interactive multimedia content, discussion forums, chat rooms, PBL, collaborative projects, group activities, peer instruction, case-based learning, interactive quizzes and polls, reflection, metacognition, game-based learning, gamification, formative assessment, feedback.

Emerging technologies that can be used to teach online:

Content is suggested for current emerging technologies (2024); as new technologies develop, they should be added to teaching content.

  • Artificial Intelligence (A.I.): personalised learning, tutoring, predictive analysis
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR): immersive learning, hands-on practice
  • Smart classrooms: interactive whiteboards and displays, multimedia, personal devices, internet requirements, digital learning materials
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS): collaborative learning, analytics and insights
  • Gamification: engagement, skill development
  • Educational applications: accessibility (can learn anywhere, bitesize learning)
  • Robotics: hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) learning enhance creativity
  • Video conferencing tools with advanced features (live interactions, breakout rooms)

Reflecting on a remote asynchronous teaching session: strengths, weaknesses, what went well, issues faced, what did not go well, changes made as a result of reflections, lessons learnt, feedback from students.

3 Understand difficulties that can be encountered in online teaching

Privacy concerns associated with online teaching: data security, student privacy, data sharing, third-party services, video conferencing privacy, data mining and analytics, identification verification, student tracking and monitoring, privacy regulation, educator privacy, informed consent and transparency in relation to data collection.

Security concerns associated with online teaching: data breaches, cyberattacks, authentication, access controls, device security, privacy risks, video conferencing security, data loss prevention, compliance and regulatory requirements, educator training and awareness, incident response and contingency planning, unauthorised access.

Difficulties in engaging students online: limited interaction, technical issues, digital distractions, passive learning environment, lack of personal connection, cultural and linguistic differences, different learning styles, lack of social interaction, motivational issues, overload of online content, accessibility and inclusivity, teacher presence and feedback, time management challenges.

Accessibility issues that can impact students attempting to access online education: visual impairments, hearing impairments, motor impairments, special educational needs (SEN), language barriers, technical issues, internet issues, device compatibility, inaccessible course materials, complex captcha security measures, lack of training, social and emotional barriers.

Difficulties in online assessment: cheating, academic integrity, identity verification, technical issues, accessibility concerns, proctoring challenges, assessment authenticity, assessment design, quality assurance, feedback, grading, engagement and motivation, cultural and linguistic differences.

4 Be able to limit difficulties associated with online teaching

Setting clear expectations for an online teaching session: camera on or off, contributing to discussions, inclusion, language, sharing content, privacy, muting, and engagement.

Using a waiting room to restrict access to an online teaching session: passwords, names, admission of participants, guest accounts, identifying participants, and options in various platforms.

Removing a user from an online session

  • Options in various platforms,
  • Reasons to remove a user
    • Abuse
    • Robot accounts
    • Concerning content
    • Inactivity
    • Breaches in policy or procedure
    • Uninvited participant

Restrict functions a student can use within an online teaching session: options in various platforms, host options, setting host, allowing share screen, muting participants.

Limit access to asynchronous learning materials: LMS controls (time restricted content, role-based access, Ip address restrictions, password protection), file permissions, access codes, view only mode, user authentication, digital rights management, watermark and tracking, legal measures.

Ensure work submitted was completed by the student: plagiarism software or tools, proctoring software or tools, assessment design (open-ended questions, unique assessments, oral defence), frequent low-stakes assessments, honour codes and pledges.

Recommended Text

<div> <ul style="list-style-type: none; padding: 0;"> <li> Magna Publications (2021). <em>Remote Teaching and Learning: Reflections and Practical Advice</em>. Magna Publications. <br> <a href="" target="_blank">Buy on Amazon</a> </li> <br> <li> Ofsted (2021). <em>What's working well in remote education?</em>. <br> <a href="" target="_blank">Read more</a> </li> <br> <li> Times Higher Education (N.D.). <em>A beginners’ guide to teaching online</em>. <br> <a href="" target="_blank">Read more</a> </li> </ul> </div>