Competency Based Qualification

Quality Assurance in Assessment

Unit Aim

Learners are equipped with the ability to apply theoretical and technical aspects of quality assurance within assessment. Learners gain informed awareness of the varied aspects of internal and external quality assurance and are able to apply this to assessments.

Unit Content

1 Understand internal quality assurance of assessment

The purpose of internal quality assurance in education: ensure consistency and reliability, continuous improvement, compliance with regulations and standards, standardisation, fairness, equity, validate assessment methods, enhance credibility and trust, facilitate accurate and meaningful reporting, support professional development, promote accountability, drive student success.

Sampling techniques for internal quality assurance

  • Random sampling: select at random
  • Stratified sampling: dividing the entire assessment pool into different subgroups (strata) based on certain characteristics (e.g., grade level, subject, assessor) and then randomly sampling from each subgroup
  • Systematic sampling: selecting assessments at regular intervals from a list
  • Cluster sampling: dividing the entire pool of assessments into clusters and then randomly selecting entire clusters for review
  • Purposeful or judgmental sampling: selecting assessments based on specific criteria or the judgment of the quality assurance team
  • Convenience sampling: selecting assessments that are easiest to access or review
  • Quota sampling: setting specific quotas for different subgroups but not necessarily selecting them randomly

The importance of inclusive practice when conducting an internal quality assurance process: eliminate bias, ensure equal opportunities, consistency across diverse groups, involvement of all groups, address diverse learning needs, culturally relevant assessment, legal and ethical compliance, adaptability, positive institutional reputation.

Validity in assessment: alignment with objectives, content relevance, construct validity, criterion validity, example: math tests designed to measure algebra skills should include a range of algebra problems and not just questions on arithmetic or geometry

Accuracy in assessment: clear instructions, appropriate difficulty level, minimise errors., example: An accurate reading comprehension test would provide a precise indication of a student's reading ability, with clear and unambiguous questions

Currency in assessment: regular updates, relevant content, ongoing review, for example, a computer science exam that includes questions on the latest programming languages and technologies rather than outdated ones

Sufficiency in assessment: comprehensive coverage, multiple evidence points, depth and breadth, example: job competency assessment for an accountant should include various tasks like bookkeeping, financial reporting, and tax preparation to fully gauge the candidate’s capabilities 

Reliability in assessment: consistency in administration, clear scoring criteria, inter-rater reliability, test-retest reliability example: standardised test should produce consistent results for the same student if taken multiple times under similar conditions

2 Be able to assist in internal quality assurance of assessment

Developing an internal quality assurance plan: clear objective and scope, identify key stakeholders, review legal and regulatory requirements, gather and analyse assessment data, define assessment criteria and standards, develop assessment procedures and guidelines, establish quality assurance processes, implement training and support, document procedure and protocols, review and revise, communicate and disseminate.

Implementing an internal quality assurance plan: leadership and commitment, establishing clear roles and responsibilities, training and capacity building, implementation of procedures and policies, monitoring and evaluation.

Feeding back to assessors following an internal quality assurance plan: establish clear feedback criteria, review assessment materials, constructive feedback, focus on strengths and areas of improvement, highlight strengths, offer guidance and support, encourage reflection and self-assessment, celebrate progress and success, document feedback and outcomes.

Responding to disputes regarding the quality of assurance: listen actively, gather information, review procedures and policies, engage stakeholders, facilitate communication, investigate thoroughly, address concerns promptly, seek resolution, implement corrective actions, follow up, document resolutions, learn and improve, seek external assistance where needed.

Securely record and store data collected during internal quality assurance digitally: data classification, secure recording methods, data encryption, access control, secure storage, data retention policies, secure transfer of data, regulations and laws, incident response plan, data legislation, and data management tools.

Reflecting on internal quality assurance procedures: review objectives, gather feedback and data, evaluate compliance and consistency, analyse strengths, analyse areas of improvement, consider stakeholder perspectives, identify successes and challenges, collaborate with all stakeholders, solicit input, develop action plans for improvements, monitor progress, reflect continuously.

3 Understand external quality assurance of assessment

The purpose of external quality assurance in education:

  •  Ensure validity and reliability
  • Example: independent evaluations of teaching methods to confirm they effectively improve student learning and yield consistent results across different classrooms
  • Maintain standards and consistency
    • o Example: regular audits of curriculum delivery to ensure all teachers adhere to national educational standards and maintain a consistent quality of instruction
  • Increase credibility and trust
    • o Example: regular audits of curriculum delivery to ensure all teachers adhere to national educational standards and maintain a consistent quality of instruction
  • Compliance with regulations and standards
    • o Example: ensuring that teaching practices comply with educational regulations through third-party inspections and evaluations
  • Support continuous development
    • Example: external reviews providing feedback to teachers for professional development and continuous improvement in their teaching strategies
  • Facilitate fairness and equity
    • Example: objective evaluations of student assessments to ensure grading is fair and unbiased across different classes and teachers
  • Inform policy and decision making
    • o Example: educational authorities using external quality assurance reports to make informed decisions about curriculum changes and teaching policies
  • Enhance institutional reputation
    • o Example: schools improving their reputation through consistent external quality assessments, attracting more students and better faculty
  • Global standards and comparability
    • Example: schools adopting international teaching standards to ensure their educational practices are competitive and comparable globally
  • Encourage best practice
    • Example: adoption of best teaching practices through regular external quality checks and certifications, leading to improved student outcomes and instructional methods

The process of remote quality assurance: remote collaboration tools, security of data and assessment materials, selecting materials remotely, remote assessment tools.

Process of selecting an external quality assurer: determine needs and objectives, establish selection criteria (requirements, experience, DBS check), review potential external quality assurers, evaluate expertise and experience, review qualifications and credentials, consider track record and reputation, assess communication and collaboration, evaluate cost and budget, interviewing candidates, proposal or quotes.

4 Be able to assist in external quality assurance of assessment

  • Conduct initial meetings with the assessor team in person, online, and formally, set expectations, be aware of legislation and policy, and be sensitive.
  • Assess assessment materials: review assessment objectives and criteria, verify complacence with standards and regulations, evaluate validity and reliability, examine clarity and accessibility, analyse content and coverage, review alignment with learning objects and assessment criteria, check for bias and fairness, assess appropriateness’ of assessment methods, verify accuracy and currency of content, make recommendations.
  • Assess staffing levels: qualifications, capability, assessor team, internal quality assurance team, experience, reputation.
  • Assess assessment policy and procedures: review implementation and impact, ensure all policy and procedures considered, malpractice policy, exam room procedures, invigilator procedures, internal quality assurance policy.
  • Observe a practical assessment: malpractice, marking, guidance, safety, materials provided, regulations followed, and results match performance.

Provide feedback on assessments following external quality assurance: review findings, organise feedback, highlight strengths, identify areas for improvement, specific recommendations, action items, guidance and support, collaboration, goals and objectives, gain feedback on feedback.

Recommended Text

<div> <ul style="list-style-type: none; padding: 0;"> <li> Gravells, A. (2016). <em>Principles and practices of quality assurance</em>. Learning Matters. <br> <a href="" target="_blank">Buy on Amazon</a> </li> <br> <li> Gravells, A. (2014). <em>Achieving your Assessment and Quality Assurance Units (Taqa) (Further Education and Skills) (2nd Ed)</em>. Learning Matters. <br> <a href="" target="_blank">Buy on Amazon</a> </li> <br> <li> Greer, I. (2019). <em>The Vocational Assessors Handbook: Including a Guide to the QCF Units for Assessment and Internal Quality Assurance (IQA)</em>. KroganPage. <br> <a href="" target="_blank">Buy on Amazon</a> </li> </ul> </div>