Unit Aim
This unit will introduce students to the basic post-production skills. Students will gain an understanding of the processes, techniques and equipment used in post-production and will use their knowledge to demonstrate basic post-production skills of picture editing, sound editing and colour correction.
Unit Content
1 Understand the purpose of post-production for film and television
- Types of editing for film and television e.g. continuity editing non-continuity editing
- Purposes of editing for film and television e.g. manipulate time, flashbacks, flash forwards, controlling rhythm and pace, control the perception of space
- Functions of editing for film and television e.g. create narrative, continuity editing, create audience reaction and engage the viewer, create meaning
- Editing techniques e.g. establishing shots, cutaways and cut-ins, 30-degree rule, jump-cutting, shot/reverse-shot, 180-degree rule, eyeline matching, match cuts, continuity, montage, juxtaposition, cross-cutting, parallel editing, freeze frame, slow motion, split screen, wipes, dissolves, fades
2 Understand the use of digital editing tools and techniques for video
- Creating video sequences e.g. importing clips, setting up sequences in an appropriate format, editing in source and sequence windows, nesting sequences.
- Editing video sequences: e.g. trimming clips (three- and four-point editing) editing to specific time constraints, inserting and overlaying clips, using in, out and scene markers, Non-linear editing (NLE)
- Using effects and transitions e.g. using transitions (wipes, dissolves, fades), including editing transition parameters, keyframing effects, including scale and opacity.
- Colour grading e.g. purpose, colour management monitoring tools and software, dedicated colouring suites
- Editing sound e.g. editing with multiple audio tracks, synchronise audio and video tracks, cutting to soundtrack
- Adding titles: e.g. rolling and crawling titles, adding graphic elements to titles
- Saving and exporting e.g. appropriate formats
3 Understand the use of sound editing for film and television
- Reasons for the need to edit sound recordings e.g. to compress sound recording, to eliminate flawed/ repetitive/ irrelevant material from a recorded clip, to edit out any indecent or inappropriate language, to change the chronological or logical order of a series of sounds or speech, to create impact
- Sound-editing equipment e.g. PC or MAC platform, ancillary equipment, editing software e.g. WavePad, dedicated editing workstations, multi-screen systems and converters, stereo soundstage set-up
- Sound editing techniques e.g. selecting clips to be edited according to the needs of the media artefact, cut and paste, graphic manipulation of volume, duplication copying and saving, breathing spaces in editing speech
4 Demonstrate the application of basic post-production techniques
- Image editing e.g. specified running time, continuity, transitions to form narrative, pace.
- Complete the editing of digital material e.g. managing storage and folder management of original footage, importing and organising clips, selecting clips, checking clips for technical or continuity faults, producing a rushes log, scheduling and production milestones, setting up a sequence in an appropriate format, stages of editing, producing an edit decision list, techniques and conventions to create the intended impact on the audience, exporting the final sequence in an appropriate format
- Sound editing e.g. transitions to form narrative, dialogue as generic convention, music as generic convention
- Complete the editing of digital sound material e.g. produce edit list with timings, edit each clip according to requirements, export each clip to relevant storage device